Gardener’s Day Out – the May 9th garden cleanup

Posted May 11th, 2009 by Chris V.

On the heels of Guy’s Night Out, volunteers came to the CCAC to yank, prune, dig, mulch and otherwise prepare our garden for the 2009 growing season. The weather was perfect for the tasks — cool and overcast  — as the hard work warmed us up in no time.

Volunteers Working Hard

Volunteers Working Hard

Our list was long but our spirits were determined and three hours later, most of our tasks had been completed! Among our tasks were trimming the grasses, applying non-chemical herbicide in the form of vinegar, hot sauce and dish soap to the weeds in the pavers, weeding, terracing the strawberries, weeding, corralling the mint and more weeding.

Thinning Raspberries and Working in the Grass area.

(left to right) Thinning Raspberries and Working in the Grass area.

(left to right) Weatherproofing the shed and elbow deep in mint.

(left to right) Weatherproofing the shed and elbow deep in mint.

We also weatherproofed the shed, applied mulch and composted manure to the beds and attempted to tame the raspberries. It was a successful venture and one for which I am deeply grateful as are the plants that were dwarfed by weeds and drowning in the mint!

Cleaning up the time garden.

Cleaning up the time garden.

By the way, if anyone would like some of the mint in the bags near the north end of the garden (opposite end of the reception area), please grab some. You can use it to enliven a food dish or a drink. You can also pot some up and, while it looks a little sad right now, it will definitely spring up and take off. I do recommend keeping it in a pot unless you want your entire garden to consist of mint. Quick tip…did you know that steeping a handful of mint leaves in some warm tea will sooth a stomach ache? It will, I’ve tried it.

Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, we are now ready to start the gardening season right. Let the planting begin!

Weeding the Spiral

Weeding the Spiral

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